Season Four: Episode Eight


What does the future hold for the Order of Preachers?  

After completing a term in elected leadership for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Sister Mila Diaz Solano was freer to travel and engage in the scholarship and global dialogue that is her passion. In this conversation she unpacks her experience to share her “dreams and visions” for the future of Dominican life worldwide. 


About our guests

Sister Mila Diaz Solano made her profession of vows as a Dominican Sister of Springfield in La Oroya (Lima?) Peru in 1998. She was a pioneer at our mission in Jarpa, in the central Andes in 2000, and after completing a master’s of theology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, studied for and was awarded a license in Biblical Archeology and Papal Science from the prestigious École Biblique, the biblical and archeological school run by the Dominicans in Jerusalem. 


Our host

Sister Beth Murphy, OP, is the communications director for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield and F.L.O.W.cast producer. 


Scripture for reflection

I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. 

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, 

your old men will dream dreams, 

your young men will see visions.  

Even upon your male and female servants, 

in those days, I will pour out my spirit. 

Joel 3:1-2



  • Women religious are organizing themselves globally. 
  • Cultural understandings of authority impact how leadership is exercised in women’s religious communities. 
  • Women religious are often formed interculturally but return to live in monocultural communities. 
  • Interculturality is a sign of the Spirit at work 


More to Explore 

Union of International Superiors General 

Dominican Sisters International Confederation 

École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem 

Global Sisters Report: Stories about the evolution of religious life 

How to practice a “conversation in the Spirit” guidelines from the synod on synodality 



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