Episode Thirteen
Have ever wondered what Catholic sisters might do when presented with 164 acres of land, a few llamas and alpacas, and some chickens? Well, you are about to find out. You're invited to meet Sisters Rose Marie Riley, Sharon Zayac, Anita Cleary and Suzanne Donner, who converse about what it means to have the stewardship of Jubilee Farm, their community’s ecology and spirituality center on the west edge of Springfield.
Show Notes
Visit jubileefarm.info to learn more
Llama or alpaca? What’s the difference?
Some fascinating facts about these two companionable animals
What can we learn from Earth?
Sister Anita shared a story about learning from Earth how to forgive. What else can we learn from Earth? Here’s an Earth Examen to help you connect to Earth, our common home.
Enjoy this contemplative moment with sister-weavers on retreat.
Ever wonder what plants thrive when they are together? Sister Suzanne Donner solves the mystery with her guide to Herbs & Companion Planting.
The Birds of Jubilee Farm
Bird banding season finished for now, but take a peek!
Connect with Jubilee Farm
Visit Jubilee Farm: 6760 Old Jacksonville Road, New Berlin, IL 62670 (about two miles west of Veteran’s Parkway)
Facebook: The Jubilee Farm
Website: jubileefarm.info
Phone: 217-787-6927
Email: jubilee.farm@comcast.net
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