Season Four: Episode Three


Our focus is the Sunday liturgy. The Catholic Church, and other Christian traditions, too, use a lectionary, a kind of schedule of readings from the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, so worshipers can know what biblical texts will be used on any given Sunday. Here our guests share their experience preparing for Sunday liturgy using lectio divina—“holy reading.” Sister Phyllis has led a lectio divina group for several years, and Sister Jude has been a faithful participant. Here they share the fruits of what they’ve learned from this fruitful way of preparing for preparation in the Sunday assembly at Mass. 


About our guests

Sister Phyllis Schenk is a veteran pastoral leader with years of experience leading parishes in rural and urban settings. She now serves as subprioress of Sacred Heart Convent where she facilitates the weekly lectio divina group for the sisters who live there. 

Sister Judith Anne Haase is an elementary and secondary educator and certified spiritual director, who served on a team of spiritual directors for students at Mundelein Seminary.  


Our host

Sister Beth Murphy, OP, is the communications director for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield and F.L.O.W.cast producer. 



  • Everyone can pray with scripture. 
  • Preparing for scripture together is a way of welcoming the Holy Spirit. 
  • Sunday scriptures often provide just what we need at the moment. 
  • Sharing scripture is healing. Sharing scripture creates community. 




The Word OP 

Catholic Women Preach  

Bishop Baron 


Print resources for prayer:

Give Us This Day 

Living with Christ 


For Study:

Blue Letter Bible 

New American Bible online 

Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary 

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