How Does Prayer Change Us?

Episoden Thirteen

Three wise women talk about how prayer has transformed them and share advice for those who want to learn how to pray.


Vicki Schmidt, the retired executive director of an international faith-based women’s community, has recently completed certification as a spiritual director. She lives in Springfield, Ill.

Michele Sisson-White lives in Columbia, Mo., and says her daughters and grandchildren, Bible study, and outdoor activities like rappelling and kayaking make her happiest.

Nancy Armstrong recently retired from a 30+ year career in perinatal nursing and is waiting to hear where God is calling her next. She is a certified spiritual director and a certified practitioner of healing touch ministry. Nancy lives in O’Fallon, Mo.

All of them are Springfield Dominican associates.



  • God reveals God’s self in myriad ways.
  • Prayer can be an antidote to “the blues.”
  • Prayer is a healing, transforming, reconciling force.
  • Prayer is always worth what you put into it.



Taizé Community

Centering prayer

Sacred Space: a daily online prayer

A brief introduction to Eucharist

Discovering How Jesus Prayed



Enjoy this Spotify playlist of songs recommended by our guests.

1 thought on “How Does Prayer Change Us?”

  1. Sr. Marilyn Jean

    Vicki, Michele, and Nancy,
    Thank you for your sincere and caring sharing of your experience of prayer in your own lives and interactions with others. Your thoughts about how prayer impacts our daily lives and reflects a connection with our loving God and all the gifts of creation was inspirational. May each of you continue to share the wisdom of your connection with Holy Mystery in your everyday life.
    Sr. Marilyn Jean

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